Topic | Title | Author | From | ISBN10 | ISBN13 | Binding | Pages | Year | Church Approval | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible | 101 Surprising Facts About the Bible | Rotondi, Rick | TAN Books | 1505112516 | 9781505112511 | P | NA | 2018 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible | God's Letter to Me : 101 Questions and Answers | Tonucci, Giovanni - Nzeki, Raphael Ndingi Mwanga'a (foreword) | Paulines | 9966080562 | 9789966080561 | P | 112 | 2017 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible | How to Read the Bible | Casciaro, Jose Maria | Sinag-Tala Publishers | 9715541283 | 9789715541282 | P | 28 | 2003 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible | Choosing the Correct Catholic Bible : Catholic Principles of Biblical Reading, Study and Interpretation | Amante, Alex C. | Sinag-Tala Publishers | 9715542182 | 9789715542180 | P | 55 | 2010 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Background) | Ancient Israel : Its Life and Institutions | Vaux, Roland de - McHugh, John (translator) | William B. Eerdmans | 080284278X | 9780802842787 | P | 592 | 1997 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Background) | Apostles and Their Times, The : Archeology, History, and Scripture Unveil What Life Was Really Like During the Apostolic Age | Aquilina, Mike - Wuerl, Donald W. (foreword) | Sophia Institute Press | 1622824601 | 9781622824601 | P | 141 | 2017 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Background) | Bible and the Ancient Near East, The | Gordon, Cyrus Herzl - Rendsburg, Gary A. | W. W. Norton & Company | 0393039420 | 9780393039429 | H | 345 | 1997 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Background) | Biblical History of Israel, A | Provan, Iain - Long, V. Philips - Longman, Tremper | Westminster John Knox Press | 0664220908 | 9780664220907 | P | 426 | 2003 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Background) | Cosmopolitan World of Jesus, The : New Light from Archaeology | Thiede, Carsten Peter | SPCK Publishing | 0281055084 | 9780281055081 | P | 168 | 2004 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Background) | Cultural Handbook to the Bible, A | Pilch, John J. | William B. Eerdmans | 0802867200 | 9780802867209 | P | 307 | 2012 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Background) | Daily Life in Biblical Times | Borowski, Oded | Society of Biblical Literature | 1589830423 | 9781589830424 | P | 148 | 2003 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Background) | Daily Life in the Time of Jesus | Daniel-Rops, Henri - Martin, George (foreword) - O'Brien, Patrick (translator) | Servant Publications | 0892830859 | 9780892830855 | P | 500 | 1980 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Background) | Dictionary of Daily Life in Biblical and Post-Biblical Antiquity | Yamauchi, Edwin M. - Wilson, Marvin R. | Hendrickson Publishers | 1619701456 | 9781619701458 | H | 1818 | 2017 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Background) | Greco-Roman World of the New Testament Era, The : Exploring the Background of Early Christianity | Jeffers, James S. | InterVarsity Press | 0830815899 | 9780830815890 | P | 352 | 1999 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Background) | Handbook of Biblical Social Values | Pilch, John J. (editor) - Malina, Bruce J. (editor) | Wipf & Stock Publishers | 1498289649 | 9781498289641 | P | 228 | 2016 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Background) | History of Israel, A | Bright, John | SCM Press | 0334020468 | 9780334020462 | P | 501 | 1998 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Background) | History of Israel, A : From the Bronze Age Through the Jewish Wars | Kaiser, Walter C. - Wegner, Paul D. | B & H Academic | 1433643189 | 9781433643187 | P | 710 | 2020 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Background) | Interdisciplinary Atlas of the Bible : Scripture, History, Geography, Archaeology and Theology | Perego, Giacomo - Foster, Stewart (translator) | ALBA House | 0818908750 | 9780818908750 | H | 124 | 1999 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Background) | Jesus in His Time | Daniel-Rops, Henri - Millar, R. W. (translator) | Eyre & Spottiswoode | NO | NO | H | 492 | 1956 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Background) | Macmillan Bible Atlas, The | Aharoni, Yohanan - Avi-Yonah, Michael | Macmillan Publishing | 0025005901 | 9780025005907 | H | 184 | 1977 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Background) | Old Testament Parallels : Laws and Stories from the Ancient Near East | Matthews, Victor H. - Benjamin, Don C. | Paulist Press | 0809149893 | 9780809149896 | P | 469 | 2016 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Background) | Paul and His World | Tomkins, Stephen | Lion Publishing | 0745951295 | 9780745951294 | P | 192 | 2004 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Background) | Saint Joseph Concise Bible History : A Clear and Readable Account of the History of Salvation | Anonymous | Catholic Book Publishing | 0899427707 | 9780899427706 | P | 158 | 1978 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Background) | Saint Mary's Press Essential Guide to Biblical Life and Times | Albl, Martin C. | Saint Mary's Press | 0884898989 | 9780884898986 | P | 168 | 2009 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Background) | Scripture Footnotes : The World of Jesus | Martin, George | Our Sunday Visitor | 1681921162 | 9781681921167 | P | 141 | 2017 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Background) | St. Joseph Atlas of the Bible | Dowley, Tim | Catholic Book Publishing | 0899426557 | 9780899426556 | P | 96 | 2004 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Background) | Walking with Jesus in the Holy Land | Sertillanges, Antonin Gilbert | Sophia Institute Press | 0918477859 | 9780918477859 | P | 158 | 1998 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Background) | What Jesus Saw from the Cross | Sertillanges, Antonin Gilbert | Sophia Institute Press | 0918477379 | 9780918477378 | P | 245 | 1996 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Canon) | Bible, The : From Late Antiquity to the Renaissance : Writing and Images from the Vatican Library | Piazzoni, Ambrogio M. (editor) - Manzari, Francesca (contributor) - Maguire, Martin (translator) | Liturgical Press | 0814644619 | 9780814644614 | H | 365 | 2017 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Canon) | Bible, the Church, and Authority, The : The Canon of the Christian Bible in History and Theology | Lienhard, Joseph T. | Liturgical Press | 081465536X | 9780814655368 | P | 108 | 1995 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Canon) | Biblical Canon Lists from Early Christianity : Texts and Analysis | Gallagher, Edmon L. - Meade, John D. | Oxford University Press | 0198838891 | 9780198838890 | P | 337 | 2019 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Canon) | Case for the Deuterocanon, The : Evidence and Arguments | Michuta, Gary G. | Nikaria Press | 0692389695 | 9780692389690 | P | 363 | 2015 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Canon) | Composing Sacred Scripture : How the Bible Was Formed | Senior, Donald | Liturgy Training Publications | 1616712724 | 9781616712723 | P | 131 | 2016 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Canon) | Exploring Scripture : How the Bible Came to Be | Cunningham, Philip J. | Paulist Press | 0809132958 | 9780809132959 | P | 216 | 1992 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Canon) | Formation of the Bible : History of the Sacred Writings of the People of God | Auzou, Georges - Thornton, Josefa (translator) | B. Herder | NO | NO | H | 386 | 1963 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Canon) | Formation of the New Testament Canon, The : An Ecumenical Approach | Farmer, William R. - Farkasfalvy, Denis M. - Outler, Albert C. (introduction) - Attridge, Harold W. (editor) | Paulist Press | 0809124955 | 9780809124954 | P | 182 | 1983 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Canon) | Story of the Bible, The : How It Came to Us | Wansbrough, Henry | Darton, Longman & Todd | 0232526419 | 9780232526417 | P | 140 | 2006 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Canon) | Where We Got the Bible : Our Debt to the Catholic Church | Graham, Henry Grey | TAN Books | 0895557967 | 9780895557964 | P | 160 | 2007 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Canon) | Whose Bible Is It ? : A History of the Scriptures Through the Ages | Pelikan, Jaroslav | Penguin Group | 014102268X | 9780141022680 | P | 274 | 2006 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Canon) | Why Catholic Bibles Are Bigger (Revised Second Edition) | Michuta, Gary G. | Catholic Answers | 1683570510 | 9781683570516 | P | 383 | 2017 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | 20 Answers : The Bible | Horn, Trent | Catholic Answers | 1683570111 | 9781683570110 | P | 74 | 2016 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | Always Inspired : Why Bible-Believing Christians Need the Catholic Church | Butler, Basil Christopher | Sophia Institute Press | 1933184795 | 9781933184791 | P | 111 | 2012 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | Announcing Christ : Through Scripture to the Church | Varillon, Francois - Deacon, Stephen (translator) - Nicholson, Jennifer | Geoffrey Chapman | NO | NO | H | 503 | 1963 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | Aspects of Biblical Inspiration | Benoit, Pierre Maurice - Murphy-O'Connor, J. (translator) - Ashe, S. K. (translator) | Priory Press | NO | NO | P | 127 | 1965 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | Authenticity of the Sacred Scriptures, The | Hagerty, Cornelius | Lumen Christi Press | NO | NO | H | 339 | 1969 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | Authority of the Bible, The : Theories of Inspiration, Revelation and the Canon of Scripture | Gnuse, Robert | Paulist Press | 0809126923 | 9780809126927 | P | 153 | 1985 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | Bible Is a Catholic Book, The | Akin, Jimmy | Catholic Answers | 168357141X | 9781683571414 | P | 181 | 2019 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | Bible, The : Word of God in Words of Men | Levie, Jean - Treman, S. H. (translator) | Geoffrey Chapman | NO | NO | H | 323 | 1961 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | Catholic Church and the Bible, The | Pope, Hugh | Burns Oates & Washbourne | NO | NO | H | 106 | 1928 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | Catholic Theories of Biblical Inspiration Since 1810 : A Review and Critique | Burtchaell, James Tunstead | Cambridge University Press | NO | NO | H | 341 | 1969 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | God Speaks to Men : Understanding the Bible | Barrosse, Thomas | Fides Publishers | NO | NO | H | 113 | 1965 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | God's Word | Trinchard, Paul - Miceli, Vincent P. (foreword) | Christopher Publishing House | 0815804288 | 9780815804284 | H | 135 | 1990 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | God's Word to Israel | Jensen, Joseph - Stuhlmueller, Carroll (introduction) | Liturgical Press | 0814652891 | 9780814652893 | P | 311 | 1988 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | Christian Approach to the Bible, The | Charlier, Celestin - Richards, Hubert J. (translator) - Peters, Brendan (translator) - Barton, John M. T. (preface) | Sands | NO | NO | H | 298 | 1967 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | Church and the Bible, The : Official Documents of the Catholic Church | Murphy, Dennis J. (editor) | ALBA House | 0818912502 | 9780818912504 | H | 1048 | 2007 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | Church Fathers on the Bible, The : Selected Readings | Sadowski, Frank (editor) | ALBA House | 0818905107 | 9780818905100 | P | 306 | 1987 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | Inspiration : Towards a Christian Interpretation of Biblical Inspiration | O'Collins, Gerald | Oxford University Press | 0198824181 | 9780198824183 | H | 222 | 2018 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scripture, The | Esposito, Thomas (translator) - Gregg, Stephen (translator) - O'Fearghail, Fearghus (reviewer) - Muller, Gerhard Ludwig (foreword) | Liturgical Press | 0814649033 | 9780814649039 | P | 181 | 2014 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | Inspiration, Canonicity, Texts, Versions, Hermeneutics : A General Introduction to Sacred Scripture | Heidt, William G. | Liturgical Press | NO | NO | P | 124 | 1970 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | Introduction to the Sacred Scripture in the Light of 'Dei Verbum' | Deiana, Giovanni - Babota, Vasile (translator) - Seeman, Chris (translator) | Urbaniana University Press | 8840170456 | 9788840170459 | P | 221 | 2014 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | Meaning of Sacred Scripture, The | Bouyer, Louis - Mathis, Michael A. (foreword) - Ryan, Mary Perkins (translator) | University of Notre Dame Press | NO | NO | P | 258 | 1958 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | Primer on Divine Revelation, A : Scripture and Tradition | Campbell, Dwight P. | Midwest Theological Forum | 1890177067 | 9781890177065 | P | 78 | 1998 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | Record of Revelation : The Bible (Key to the Bible 1) | Harrington, Wilfrid J. - Vaux, Roland de (foreword) | ALBA House | NO | NO | P | 186 | 1974 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | Scripture : Dei Verbum | Witherup, Ronald D. | Paulist Press | 080914428X | 9780809144280 | P | 160 | 2006 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | Scripture Documents, The : An Anthology of Official Catholic Teachings | Bechard, Dean Philip (editor, translator) - Fitzmyer, Joseph A. (foreword) | Liturgical Press | 0814625916 | 9780814625910 | P | 352 | 2002 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | Vatican II on Revelation | Harrington, Wilfrid J. - Walsh, Liam | Scepter | NO | NO | P | 191 | 1967 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | What Are They Saying About Biblical Inspiration ? | Zia, Mark J. | Paulist Press | 0809146991 | 9780809146994 | P | 114 | 2011 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | What Does the Church Really Say About the Bible ? | Myers, Edith - Steinmueller, John E. (foreword) | Wanderer Press | NO | NO | P | 30 | 1979 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Catholic View) | Word of the Lord, The : 7 Essential Principles for Catholic Scripture Study | Smith, Steven C. - Hahn, Scott (foreword) | Our Sunday Visitor | 1612785883 | 9781612785882 | P | 256 | 2012 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Coming of the Messiah) | 20 Answers : Bible Prophecy | Akin, Jimmy | Catholic Answers | 1683570634 | 9781683570639 | P | 80 | 2017 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Coming of the Messiah) | Dawn of the Messiah : The Coming of Christ in Scripture | Sri, Edward | St. Anthony Messenger Press | 0867167203 | 9780867167207 | P | 161 | 2005 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Coming of the Messiah) | Jesus of Israel : Finding Christ in the Old Testament | Veras, Richard | St. Anthony Messenger Press | 0867167726 | 9780867167726 | P | 142 | 2007 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Coming of the Messiah) | Lovely Like Jerusalem : The Fulfillment of the Old Testament in Christ and the Church | Nichols, Aidan | Ignatius Press | 1586171682 | 9781586171681 | P | 279 | 2007 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Coming of the Messiah) | Seeking Jesus in the Old Testament | Silvano, Renu Rita | Our Sunday Visitor | 1592761992 | 9781592761999 | P | 255 | 2006 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Coming of the Messiah) | Symbols of Christ : Old Testament + New Testament | Winzen, Damasus - Reinhold, H. A. (foreword) - Cladek, William V. (illustrator) | P. J. Kenedy & Sons | NO | NO | H | 103 | 1955 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Coming of the Messiah) | Truth of Christmas, The : Beyond the Myths : The Gospels of the Infancy of Christ | Laurentin, Rene - Ratzinger, Joseph (preface) - Wrenn, Michael J. (translator) | St. Bede's Publications | 0932506348 | 9780932506344 | P | 569 | 1986 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Difficulties) | 20 Answers : Bible Difficulties | Akin, Jimmy | Catholic Answers | 1683570871 | 9781683570875 | P | 75 | 2018 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Difficulties) | Book of Non-Contradiction, The : Harmonizing the Scriptures | Campbell, Phillip | Cruachan Hill Press | 1542947146 | 9781542947145 | P | 195 | 2017 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Difficulties) | Dark Passages of the Bible : Engaging Scripture with Benedict XVI and Thomas Aquinas | Ramage, Matthew J. | Catholic University of America | 0813221560 | 9780813221564 | P | 303 | 2013 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Difficulties) | Hard Sayings : A Catholic Approach to Answering Bible Difficulties | Horn, Trent | Catholic Answers | 1941663745 | 9781941663745 | H | 437 | 2016 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Difficulties) | Light on the Dark Passages of Scripture | Giszczak, Mark | Our Sunday Visitor | 1612788033 | 9781612788036 | P | 188 | 2015 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Difficulties) | Making Sense of the Bible : Difficult Texts and Modern Faith | Campbell, Antony F. | Paulist Press | 0809146347 | 9780809146345 | P | 306 | 2010 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Difficulties) | Scandalous Bible, The : Biblical Errors and Divine Inspiration | Guillemette, Nil | Paulines Philippines | 9715906826 | 9789715906821 | P | 299 | 2011 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Difficulties) | Your Heart's Treasure : Exploring Difficult Bible Texts | Guillemette, Nil | Paulines Philippines | ? | 9789715906609 | P | 203 | 2010 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Difficulties) | Zombies, Unicorns, Cannibals : Strange Tales from the Bible | Doane, Sebastien - Doane, David (translation) | Paulist Press | 0809154056 | 9780809154050 | P | 142 | 2018 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Bible Blueprint, The : A Catholic's Guide to Understanding and Embracing God's Word | Paprocki, Joe | Loyola Press | 0829428984 | 9780829428988 | P | 133 | 2009 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Bible Compass, The : A Catholic's Guide to Navigating the Scriptures | Sri, Edward | Ascension Press | 1934217786 | 9781934217788 | P | 149 | 2009 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Bible Made Easy, The : A Book-by-Book Introduction | Schehr, Timothy P. | Franciscan Media | 0867165987 | 9780867165982 | P | 246 | 2007 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Can You Trust the Bible ? : A Popular Guide for Catholics | Hogan, Frances | St. Anthony Messenger Press | 0892836946 | 9780892836949 | P | 235 | 1991 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Catholic Bible Study Handbook, The : A Popular Introduction to Studying Scripture | Kodell, Jerome | St. Anthony Messenger Press | 1569552673 | 9781569552674 | P | 300 | 2001 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Catholic Guide to the Bible, A | Lukefahr, Oscar | Liguori Publications | 0764802011 | 9780764802010 | P | 214 | 1998 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Essential Bible Handbook, The : A Guide for Catholics | Santa, Thomas M. | Liguori Publications | 0764808362 | 9780764808364 | P | 289 | 2002 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Essential Guide to the Holy Bible | Principe, Pietro | USCCB Publishing | 1601370660 | 9781601370662 | P | 89 | 2010 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Everything Bible Book, The : From Genesis to Revelation, All You Need to Understand the Old and New Testaments | Trigilio, John - Brighenti, Kenneth D. | Adams Media | 1593370261 | 9781593370268 | P | 289 | 2004 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Fr. McBride's Guide to the Bible | McBride, Alfred | Our Sunday Visitor | 1592764800 | 9781592764808 | P | 303 | 2008 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | God's Library : A Catholic Introduction to the World's Greatest Book | Paprocki, Joe | Loyola Press | 082942069X | 9780829420692 | P | 122 | 2005 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Guide to the Bible, A | Fuentes, Antonio - Adams, Michael (translator) | Four Courts Press | 1851820221 | 9781851820221 | P | 262 | 2004 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | How to Read the Bible | Poelman, Roger - Cerfaux, Lucien (introduction) | Sophia Institute Press | 1933184663 | 9781933184661 | P | 113 | 2010 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | How to Read the Bible Every Day : A Guide for Catholics : A One-Year, Two-Year, and Three-Year Plan for Reading Through the Scriptures | Rojas, Carmen - Whealon, John F. (foreword) | St. Anthony Messenger Press | 0892833998 | 9780892833993 | P | 48 | 1988 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | How-to Book of the Bible, The : Everything You Need to Know but No One Ever Taught You | Schultz, Karl A. | Our Sunday Visitor | 1592760953 | 9781592760954 | P | 351 | 2004 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Ignite : Read the Bible Like Never Before | Corbitt, Sonja - Burke-Sivers, Harold | Franciscan Media | 1632531895 | 9781632531896 | P | 216 | 2017 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Inside the Bible : An Introduction to Each Book of the Bible | Baker, Kenneth | Ignatius Press | 0898706653 | 9780898706659 | P | 373 | 1998 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Introduction to the Bible : A Catholic Guide to Studying Scripture | Binz, Stephen J. | Liturgical Press | 081461700X | 9780814617007 | P | 90 | 2007 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Introduction to the Bible : Overview, Historical Context, and Cultural Perspectives | Anderson, William A. | Liguori Publications | 0764821199 | 9780764821196 | P | 98 | 2012 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Introduction to the Bible : The Nature, History, Authorship and Content of the Holy Bible, with Selections from and Commentaries on the Various Books | Laux, John Joseph | TAN Books | 0895553961 | 9780895553966 | P | 326 | 1990 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Pathways in Scripture : A Book-by-Book Guide to the Spiritual Riches of the Bible | Winzen, Damasus - Hahn, Scott (foreword) - Leclercq, Jean (introduction) | St. Anthony Messenger Press | 1569553645 | 9781569553640 | P | 378 | 2003 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Pocket Guide to the Bible, A | Hahn, Scott | Our Sunday Visitor | 1592764436 | 9781592764433 | P | 79 | 2008 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Reading God's Word Today : A Practical and Faith-filled Approach to Scripture | Martin, George | Our Sunday Visitor | 1592766404 | 9781592766406 | P | 191 | 2009 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Reading the Bible : A Study Guide | Carmody, Timothy R. | Paulist Press | 0809141892 | 9780809141890 | P | 314 | 2004 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Real Story, The : Understanding the Big Picture of the Bible | Sri, Edward - Martin, Curtis | Beacon Publishing | 1937509540 | 9781937509545 | P | 152 | 2012 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Scripture : Nourished by the Word | Ralph, Margaret Nutting | Loyola Press | 0829417206 | 9780829417203 | P | 127 | 2002 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Unfolding Sacred Scripture : How Catholics Read the Bible | Cameron, Michael | Liturgy Training Publications | 1616712449 | 9781616712440 | P | 134 | 2015 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Unleashing the Power of Scripture : A Guide for Catholics | Hart, Mark | Word Among Us | 1593252978 | 9781593252977 | P | 183 | 2017 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Walking with God : A Journey Through the Bible | Gray, Tim - Cavins, Jeff | Ascension Press | 1934217891 | 9781934217894 | H | 296 | 2010 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | What Is the Bible ? | Daniel-Rops, Henri | Sophia Institute Press | 1933184248 | 9781933184241 | P | 150 | 2006 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | You Can Understand the Bible : A Practical and Illuminating Guide to Each Book in the Bible | Kreeft, Peter J. | Ignatius Press | 1586170457 | 9781586170455 | P | 328 | 2005 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Guides) | Your Invitation to Scripture : An Introduction to the Bible for Catholics | Perrotta, Kevin | St. Anthony Messenger Press | 1569553432 | 9781569553435 | P | 181 | 2003 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | "Our Fathers Have Told Us" : Introduction to the Analysis of Hebrew Narratives | Ska, Jean-Louis - Dominique, Pascale (translator) | Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblico | 8876535934 | 9788876535932 | P | 129 | 2000 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | And God Said What ? : An Introduction to Biblical Literary Forms | Ralph, Margaret Nutting | Paulist Press | 0809141299 | 9780809141296 | P | 307 | 2003 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Bible Interpretation | Megivern, James J. | McGrath Publishing | 0843407158 | 9780843407150 | H | 466 | 1978 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Biblical Fundamentalism : What Every Catholic Should Know | Witherup, Ronald D. | Liturgical Press | 0814627226 | 9780814627228 | P | 90 | 2001 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Biblical Interpretation : Message of the Fathers of the Church 9 | Trigg, Joseph W. - Halton, Thomas (general editor) | Liturgical Press | 0814653391 | 9780814653395 | P | 304 | 1988 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Biblical Interpretation in the Early Church : An Historical Introduction to Patristic Exegesis | Simonetti, Manlio - Hughes, John A. (translator) - Bergquist, Anders (editor) - Bockmuehl, Markus N. A. (editor) | Continuum | 0567292495 | 9780567292490 | P | 154 | 2001 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Catholic Principles for Interpreting Scripture : A Study of the Pontifical Biblical Commission's The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church | Williamson, Peter S. - Vanhoye, Albert (preface) | Biblical Institute Press | 8876536175 | 9788876536175 | P | 400 | 2008 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Encountering the Living God in Scripture : Theological and Philosophical Principles for Interpretation | Wright, William M. - Martin, Francis - Sokolowski, Robert (foreword) | Baker Academic | 0801030951 | 9780801030956 | P | 253 | 2019 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Faith, the Fount of Exegesis : The Interpretation of Scripture in Light of the History of Research on the Old Testament | Carbajosa, Ignacio - Stevenson, Paul (translator) | Ignatius Press | 1586177885 | 9781586177881 | P | 278 | 2013 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Christian Doctrine and the Old Testament : Theology in the Service of Biblical Exegesis | Anderson, Gary A. | Baker Academic | 0801098254 | 9780801098253 | H | 220 | 2017 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Inspiration and Interpretation : A Theological Introduction to Sacred Scripture | Farkasfalvy, Denis | Catholic University of America | 0813217466 | 9780813217468 | P | 251 | 2010 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Introducing Medieval Biblical Interpretation : The Senses of Scripture in Premodern Exegesis | Levy, Ian Christopher | Baker Academic | 080104880X | 9780801048807 | P | 306 | 2018 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Introduction to the History of Exegesis 1, An : The Greek Fathers | Margerie, Bertrand de - Potterie, Ignace de la (preface) - Maluf, Leonard (translator) | St. Bede's Publications | 1879007053 | 9781879007055 | P | 288 | 1993 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Making Senses out of Scripture : Reading the Bible as the First Christians Did | Shea, Mark P. | Basilica Press | 0964261065 | 9780964261068 | P | 262 | 2007 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Modern Biblical Criticism as a Tool of Statecraft (1700 - 1900) | Hahn, Scott - Morrow, Jeffrey L. | Emmaus Road Publishing | 1949013642 | 9781949013641 | H | 312 | 2020 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Opening Up the Scriptures : Joseph Ratzinger and the Foundations of Biblical Interpretation | Granados, Jose (editor) - Granados, Carlos (editor) - Sanchez-Navarro, Luis (editor) | William B. Eerdmans | 0802860117 | 9780802860118 | P | 148 | 2008 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Participatory Biblical Exegesis : A Theology of Biblical Interpretation | Levering, Matthew | University of Notre Dame Press | 0268034087 | 9780268034085 | P | 310 | 2008 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Path to Freedom : Christian Experiences and the Bible | Corbon, Jean - Hahn, Scott (foreword) - Nevill, Violet (translator) | St. Anthony Messenger Press | 0867166169 | 9780867166163 | P | 276 | 2004 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Politicizing the Bible : The Roots of Historical Criticism and the Secularization of Scripture, 1300 - 1700 | Hahn, Scott - Wiker, Benjamin | Crossroad Publishing | 0824599039 | 9780824599034 | H | 611 | 2013 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Pretensions of Objectivity : Toward a Criticism of Biblical Criticism | Morrow, Jeffrey L. | Wipf & Stock Publishers | 1532657382 | 9781532657382 | P | 133 | 2019 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Primer on Biblical Methods | Carvalho, Corrine L. | Christian Brothers Publications | 1599820153 | 9781599820156 | P | 93 | 2009 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Reading the Bible as God's Own Story : A Catholic Approach for Bringing Scripture to Life | Kurz, William S. | Word Among Us | 1593251017 | 9781593251017 | P | 173 | 2007 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Roman Catholic Exegesis Since Divino Afflante Spiritu : Hermeneutical Implications | Robinson, Robert Bruce | Scholars Press | 1555402410 | 9781555402419 | P | 183 | 1988 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Sacred Scripture : The Disclosure of the Word | Martin, Francis - Noia, Augustine Di (foreword) | Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University | 1932589309 | 9781932589306 | P | 286 | 2006 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Scripture as Real Presence : Sacramental Exegesis in the Early Church | Boersma, Hans | Baker Academic | 1540961028 | 9781540961020 | P | 316 | 2018 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Scripture in the Tradition | Lubac, Henri de - Casarella, Peter (introduction) - O'Neill, Luke (translator) | Crossroad Publishing | 0824518713 | 9780824518714 | P | 244 | 2000 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Scripture Matters : Essays on Reading the Bible from the Heart of the Church | Hahn, Scott - Wuerl, Donald W. (foreword) | Emmaus Road Publishing | 1931018170 | 9781931018173 | P | 191 | 2003 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Short History of the Interpretation of the Bible, A | Grant, Robert M. | Macmillan Publishing | NO | NO | P | 224 | 1963 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages, The | Smalley, Beryl | University of Notre Dame Press | 0268002673 | 9780268002671 | P | 406 | 1978 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Understanding the Bible : A Basic Introduction to Biblical Interpretation | Montague, George T. | Paulist Press | 0809143445 | 9780809143443 | P | 274 | 2007 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Use and Abuse of the Bible, The : A Brief History of Biblical Interpretation | Wansbrough, Henry | Continuum | 0567090574 | 9780567090577 | P | 209 | 2011 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Interpretation) | Word Is Very Near You, The | Stinissen, Wilfrid - Marie, Clare (translation) | Ignatius Press | 1621642887 | 9781621642886 | P | 140 | 2020 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages) | How Biblical Languages Work : A Student's Guide to Learning Hebrew and Greek | Silzer, Peter James - Finley, Thomas John | Kregel Publications | 0825426448 | 9780825426445 | P | 258 | 2004 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages) | Understanding Language : A Guide for Beginning Students of Greek and Latin | Fairbairn, Donald | Catholic University of America | 0813218667 | 9780813218663 | P | 190 | 2011 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Greek) | Learn New Testament Greek | Dobson, John H. | Piquant Publishing | 1909281220 | 9781909281226 | P | 384 | 2012 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Greek/Grammar) | Biblical Greek | Zerwick, Maximilian - Smith, Joseph (translator) | Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblico | 8876535543 | 9788876535543 | P | 185 | 2005 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Greek/Grammar) | Grammatical Analysis of the Greek New Testament, A | Zerwick, Max - Grosvenor, Mary | Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblico | 8876535888 | 9788876535888 | P | 778 | 2007 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Greek/Grammar) | Greek Grammar of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, A | Blass, F. - Debrunner, A. - Funk, Robert W. (translator, revision) | University of Chicago Press | 0226271102 | 9780226271101 | H | 325 | 1961 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Greek/Grammar) | New Testament Greek : A Beginning and Intermediate Grammar | Hewett, James Allen - Robbins, C. Michael (revision) - Johnson, Steven R. (revision) | Baker Academic | 0801046556 | 9780801046551 | H | 326 | 2011 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Greek/Vocabulary) | Complete Vocabulary Guide to the Greek New Testament | Trenchard, Warren C. | Zondervan | 0310226953 | 9780310226956 | H | 340 | 1998 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Greek/Vocabulary) | Greek of the Septuagint, The : A Supplemental Lexicon | Chamberlain, Gary Alan | Hendrickson Publishers | 1565637410 | 9781565637412 | H | 256 | 2011 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Greek/Vocabulary) | Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, A | Thayer, Joseph Henry (translator, revision, enlargement) | Zondervan | 0310311012 | 9780310311010 | P | 726 | 1991 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Greek/Vocabulary) | Shorter Lexicon of the Greek New Testament | Gingrich, F. Wilbur | University of Chicago Press | 0226295206 | 9780226295206 | H | 241 | 1973 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Hebrew) | Annotated Key to Lambdin's Introduction to Biblical Hebrew | Williamson, H. G. M. | T & T Clark | 1850750459 | 9781850750451 | P | 208 | 2004 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Hebrew) | Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, A | Holladay, William L. (editor) | William B. Eerdmans | 0802834132 | 9780802834133 | H | 425 | 1988 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Hebrew) | Fundamental Biblical Hebrew / Fundamental Biblical Aramaic | Bartelt, Andrew H. - Steinmann, Andrew E. | Concordia Publishing | 0758605285 | 9780758605283 | H | 378 | 2004 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Hebrew) | Introduction to Biblical Hebrew | Lambdin, Thomas O. | Darton, Longman & Todd | 0232513694 | 9780232513691 | P | 345 | 2012 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Hebrew) | Learning to Read Biblical Hebrew : An Introductory Grammar | Ellis, Robert Ray | Baylor University Press | 1932792562 | 9781932792560 | H | 386 | 2010 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Hebrew) | Vocabulary Guide to Biblical Hebrew, The | Pelt, Miles V. van - Pratico, Cary D. | Zondervan | 0310250722 | 9780310250722 | P | 307 | 2003 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Latin) | Bantam New College Latin and English Dictionary, The | Traupman, John C. (editor) | Random House | 055359012X | 9780553590128 | P | 708 | 2007 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Latin) | Consecrated Phrases : A Latin Theological Dictionary : Latin Expressions Commonly Found in Theological Writings | Bretzke, James T. | Liturgical Press | 0814658806 | 9780814658802 | H | 140 | 1998 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Latin) | Dictionary of Ecclesiastical Latin : With an Appendix of Latin Expressions Defined and Clarified | Stelten, Leo F. | Hendrickson Publishers | 1565631315 | 9781565631311 | H | 330 | 2008 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Latin) | Ecclesiastical Medieval and Neo-Latin Sentences | Smith, Richard Upsher | Bolchazy Carducci Publishers | 0865167982 | 9780865167988 | P | 332 | 2015 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Latin) | Essential Latin Grammar : Bennett's Grammar Revised | Mahoney, Anne - Bennett, Charles E. | Focus Publishing | 158510244X | 9781585102440 | P | 301 | 2007 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Latin) | Latin Grammar : Grammar, Vocabularies, and Exercises in Preparation for the Reading of the Missal and Breviary | Scanlon, Cora Carroll - Scanlon, Charles L. - Thompson, Newton (editor) | TAN Books | 0895550024 | 9780895550026 | P | 344 | 1976 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Latin) | Layman's Primer of Liturgical Latin, A : Understanding the Latin of the Ordinary Form of the Mass | Sullivan, Bruce - Casey, William (foreword) | CH Resources | 0983082901 | 9780983082903 | P | 49 | 2010 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Latin) | Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin, A | Collins, John F. | Catholic University of America | 0813206677 | 9780813206677 | P | 451 | 1988 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Latin) | Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin, A : An Answer Key | Dunlap, John R. | Catholic University of America | 0813214696 | 9780813214696 | P | 168 | 2006 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Latin) | Reading Church Latin : Techniques and Commentary for Comprehension | Schoenstene, Robert | Liturgy Training Publications | 1595250425 | 9781595250421 | P | 245 | 2016 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Languages/Latin) | Second Latin : For the Reading of Philosophy, Theology and Canon Law | Scanlon, Cora Carroll - Scanlon, Charles L. | TAN Books | 0895550032 | 9780895550033 | P | 270 | 1976 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries) | Didache Bible, The : With Commentaries Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church | Socias, James (publisher) - Cole, Jeffrey (editor) - George, Francis (foreword) | Midwest Theological Forum | 1939231140 | 9781939231147 | H | 1818 | 2015 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries) | International Bible Commentary, The : A Catholic and Ecumenical Commentary for the Twenty-First Century | Farmer, William R. (editor) - McEvenue, Sean (editor) - Levoratti, Armando J. (editor) - Dungan, David L. (editor) | Liturgical Press | 0814624545 | 9780814624548 | H | 1918 | 1998 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries) | New Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture, A | Fuller, Reginald C. (editor) - Johnston, Leonard (editor) - Kearns, Conleth (editor) - Heenan, John (editor) | Thomas Nelson | 0171220102 | 9780171220100 | H | 1377 | 1969 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries) | New Collegeville Bible Commentary, The (One Volume Hardcover Edition) | Durken, Daniel (editor) - Dwyer, Peter (preface) | Liturgical Press | 081464659X | 9780814646595 | H | 1538 | 2017 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries) | New Jerome Biblical Commentary, The | Brown, Raymond E. (editor) - Fitzmyer, Joseph A. (editor) - Murphy, Roland Edmund (editor) - Martini, Carlo Maria (foreword) | Prentice-Hall | 0136149340 | 9780136149347 | H | 1484 | 1990 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries) | Paulist Biblical Commentary, The | Chiu, Jose Enrique Aguilar (editor) - Clifford, Richard J. (editor) - Dempsey, Carol J. (editor) - Schuller, Eileen M. (editor) - Stegman, Thomas D. (editor) - Witherup, Ronald D. (editor) - Tobin, Joseph William (foreword) - Senior, Donald (introduction) | Paulist Press | 0809106132 | 9780809106134 | H | 1654 | 2018 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries) | Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture, A | Knecht, Frederick Justus | TAN Books | 0895557576 | 9780895557575 | P | 844 | 2003 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Aquinas Commentary) | Commentary on the Gospel of John, Chapters 1-8 | Aquinas, Thomas - Larcher. Fabian R. (translator) | Aquinas Institute for the Study of Sacred Doctrine | 1623400171 | 9781623400170 | H | 488 | 2013 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Aquinas Commentary) | Commentary on the Gospel of John, Chapters 9-21 | Aquinas, Thomas - Larcher. Fabian R. (translator) | Aquinas Institute for the Study of Sacred Doctrine | 162340018X | 9781623400187 | H | 519 | 2013 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Aquinas Commentary) | Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, Chapters 1-12 | Aquinas, Thomas - Holmes, Jeremy (translator) - Mortensen, Beth (translator) | Aquinas Institute for the Study of Sacred Doctrine | 1623400155 | 9781623400156 | H | 392 | 2013 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Aquinas Commentary) | Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, Chapters 13-28 | Aquinas, Thomas - Holmes, Jeremy (translator) | Aquinas Institute for the Study of Sacred Doctrine | 1623400163 | 9781623400163 | H | 471 | 2013 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Aquinas Commentary) | Commentary on the Letters of Saint Paul to the Corinthians | Aquinas, Thomas - Tarentaise, Peter of - Larcher, Fabian R. (translator) - Mortensen, Beth (translator) - Keating, Daniel (translator) - Mortensen, John (editor) - Alarcon, Enrique (editor) | Aquinas Institute for the Study of Sacred Doctrine | 1623400015 | 9781623400019 | H | 631 | 2012 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Aquinas Commentary) | Commentary on the Letters of Saint Paul to the Galatians and Ephesians | Aquinas, Thomas - Larcher, Fabian R. (translator) - Lamb, Matthew L. (translator) - Mortensen, John (editor) - Alarcon, Enrique (editor) | Aquinas Institute for the Study of Sacred Doctrine | 1623400031 | 9781623400033 | H | 346 | 2012 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Aquinas Commentary) | Commentary on the Letters of Saint Paul to the Hebrews | Aquinas, Thomas - Larcher, Fabian R. (translator) - Mortensen, John (editor) - Alarcon, Enrique (editor) | Aquinas Institute for the Study of Sacred Doctrine | 1623400058 | 9781623400057 | H | 330 | 2012 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Aquinas Commentary) | Commentary on the Letters of Saint Paul to the Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, and Philemon | Aquinas, Thomas - Larcher. Fabian R. (translator) - Mortensen, John (editor) - Alarcon, Enrique (editor) | Aquinas Institute for the Study of Sacred Doctrine | 162340004X | 9781623400040 | H | 472 | 2012 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Aquinas Commentary) | Commentary on the Letters of Saint Paul to the Romans | Aquinas, Thomas - Larcher, Fabian R. (translator) - Mortensen, John (editor) - Alarcon, Enrique (editor) | Aquinas Institute for the Study of Sacred Doctrine | 1623400007 | 9781623400002 | H | 424 | 2012 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/By Cornelius a Lapide) | Great Commentary of Cornelius a Lapide, The : The Holy Gospel According to Saint John | Lapide, Cornelius a - Mossman, Thomas W. (translator) - Miller, Michael J. (revision) | Loreto Publications | 1930278713 | 9781930278714 | H | 820 | 2008 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/By Cornelius a Lapide) | Great Commentary of Cornelius a Lapide, The : The Holy Gospel According to Saint Mark + The Holy Gospel According to Saint Luke | Lapide, Cornelius a - Mossman, Thomas W. (translator) - Miller, Michael J. (revision) | Loreto Publications | 1930278713 | 9781930278714 | H | 741 | 2008 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/By Cornelius a Lapide) | Great Commentary of Cornelius a Lapide, The : The Holy Gospel According to Saint Matthew 1 | Lapide, Cornelius a - Mossman, Thomas W. (translator) - Miller, Michael J. (revision) - Coulombe, Charles A. (foreword) | Loreto Publications | 1930278713 | 9781930278714 | H | 603 | 2008 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/By Cornelius a Lapide) | Great Commentary of Cornelius a Lapide, The : The Holy Gospel According to Saint Matthew 2 | Lapide, Cornelius a - Mossman, Thomas W. (translator) - Miller, Michael J. (revision) - Coulombe, Charles A. (foreword) | Loreto Publications | 1930278713 | 9781930278714 | H | 767 | 2008 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Catena Aurea) | Catena Aurea 1 : St. Matthew | Aquinas, Thomas | Baronius Press | 1905574517 | 9781905574513 | H | 990 | 2009 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Catena Aurea) | Catena Aurea 2 : St. Mark | Aquinas, Thomas | Baronius Press | 1905574525 | 9781905574520 | H | 349 | 2009 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Catena Aurea) | Catena Aurea 3 : St. Luke | Aquinas, Thomas | Baronius Press | 1905574533 | 9781905574537 | H | 795 | 2009 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Catena Aurea) | Catena Aurea 4 : St. John | Aquinas, Thomas | Baronius Press | 1905574541 | 9781905574544 | H | 631 | 2009 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture) | Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture : Acts of the Apostles | Kurz, William S. - Williamson, Peter S. (preface) - Healy, Mary (preface) - Perrotta, Kevin (preface) | Baker Academic | 080103633X | 9780801036330 | P | 397 | 2013 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture) | Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture : Ephesians | Williamson, Peter S. | Baker Academic | 0801035848 | 9780801035845 | P | 217 | 2009 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture) | Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture : First and Second Peter, Jude | Keating, Daniel A. | Baker Publishing | 0801036453 | 9780801036453 | P | 231 | 2011 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture) | Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture : First and Second Thessalonians | Eubank, Nathan - Williamson, Peter S. (preface) - Healy, Mary (preface) - Perrotta, Kevin (preface) | Baker Academic | 080104944X | 9780801049446 | P | 199 | 2019 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture) | Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture : First and Second Timothy, Titus | Montague, George T. | Baker Academic | 0801035813 | 9780801035814 | P | 267 | 2008 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture) | Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture : First Corinthians | Montague, George T. | Baker Publishing | 0801036321 | 9780801036323 | P | 307 | 2011 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture) | Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture : Galatians | Vanhoye, Albert - Williamson, Peter S. - Healy, Mary (preface) - Perrotta, Kevin (preface) | Baker Academic | 0801049725 | 9780801049729 | P | 223 | 2019 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture) | Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture : Hebrews | Healy, Mary - Williamson, Peter S. (preface) - Healy, Mary (preface) - Perrotta, Kevin (preface) | Baker Academic | 0801036038 | 9780801036033 | P | 316 | 2016 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture) | Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture : James, First, Second, and Third John | Anderson, Kelly - Keating, Daniel A. - Williamson, Peter S. (preface) - Healy, Mary (preface) - Perrotta, Kevin (preface) | Baker Academic | 0801049229 | 9780801049224 | P | 284 | 2017 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture) | Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture : Philippians, Colossians, Philemon | Hamm, M. Dennis - Williamson, Peter S. (preface) - Healy, Mary (preface) - Perrotta, Kevin (preface) | Baker Academic | 0801036461 | 9780801036460 | P | 254 | 2013 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture) | Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture : Revelation | Williamson, Peter S. | Baker Publishing | 080103650X | 9780801036507 | P | 378 | 2015 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture) | Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture : Romans | Hahn, Scott - Williamson, Peter S. (preface) - Healy, Mary (preface) - Perrotta, Kevin (preface) | Baker Academic | 080103678X | 9780801036781 | P | 299 | 2017 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture) | Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture : Second Corinthians | Stegman, Thomas D. | Baker Academic | 080103583X | 9780801035838 | P | 315 | 2010 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture) | Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture : The Gospel of John | Martin, Francis - Wright, William M. | Baker Publishing | 080103647X | 9780801036477 | P | 366 | 2015 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture) | Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture : The Gospel of Luke | Gadenz, Pablo T. - Williamson, Peter S. (preface) - Healy, Mary (preface) - Perrotta, Kevin (preface) | Baker Academic | 080103700X | 9780801037009 | P | 412 | 2018 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture) | Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture : The Gospel of Mark | Healy, Mary | Baker Academic | 0801035864 | 9780801035869 | P | 348 | 2008 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture) | Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture : The Gospel of Matthew | Mitch, Curtis - Sri, Edward | Baker Academic | 080103602X | 9780801036026 | P | 383 | 2010 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Devotional Commentary) | Acts : A Devotional Commentary | Zanchettin, Leo (editor) | Word Among Us | 0932085520 | 9780932085528 | P | 221 | 2001 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Devotional Commentary) | Church in Transition, A : A Devotional Commentary on 1 Timothy Through Hebrews | Zanchettin, Leo (editor) | Word Among Us | 159325055X | 9781593250553 | P | 231 | 2005 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Devotional Commentary) | Church Moves Out, The : A Devotional Commentary on the Catholic Epistles | Zanchettin, Leo (editor) | Word Among Us | 1593250827 | 9781593250829 | P | 184 | 2006 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Devotional Commentary) | I and II Corinthians : A Devotional Commentary | Zanchettin, Leo (editor) | Word Among Us | 1593250029 | 9781593250027 | P | 199 | 2003 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Devotional Commentary) | John : A Devotional Commentary | Zanchettin, Leo (editor) | Word Among Us | 0932085407 | 9780932085405 | P | 231 | 2000 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Devotional Commentary) | Letters to the Early Church : A Devotional Commentary on Ephesians Through Thessalonians | Zanchettin, Leo (editor) | Word Among Us | 1593250371 | 9781593250379 | P | 175 | 2004 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Devotional Commentary) | Luke : A Devotional Commentary | Zanchettin, Leo (editor) | Word Among Us | 093208527X | 9780932085276 | P | 289 | 2001 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Devotional Commentary) | Mark : A Devotional Commentary | Zanchettin, Leo (editor) | Word Among Us | 093208513X | 9780932085139 | P | 195 | 2000 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Devotional Commentary) | Matthew : A Devotional Commentary | Zanchettin, Leo (editor) | Word Among Us | 0932085121 | 9780932085122 | P | 306 | 2000 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Devotional Commentary) | Revelation : A Devotional Commentary | Zanchettin, Leo (editor) | Word Among Us | 1593251068 | 9781593251062 | P | 165 | 2007 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Devotional Commentary) | Romans and Galatians : A Devotional Commentary | Zanchettin, Leo (editor) | Word Among Us | 0932085709 | 9780932085702 | P | 181 | 2002 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Navarre Bible) | Navarre Bible (Compact Edition), The : New Testament | University of Navarre | Scepter | 1889334596 | 9781889334592 | H | 735 | 2001 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Navarre Bible) | Navarre Bible (Readers's Edition), The : Gospels & Acts : Matthew - Mark - Luke - John - Acts of the Apostles | University of Navarre | Scepter | 1889334278 | 9781889334271 | H | 999 | 2008 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Navarre Bible) | Navarre Bible (Readers's Edition), The : Revelation and Hebrews and Catholic Letters | University of Navarre | Scepter | 159417038X | 9781594170386 | H | 503 | 2006 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Navarre Bible) | Navarre Bible (Readers's Edition), The : The Letters of Saint Paul | University of Navarre | Scepter | 1594170371 | 9781594170379 | H | 671 | 2005 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Navarre Bible) | Navarre Bible, The : Acts of the Apostles | University of Navarre | Scepter | 1851829040 | 9781851829040 | P | 231 | 2007 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Navarre Bible) | Navarre Bible, The : Captivity Letters | University of Navarre | Scepter | 1851829083 | 9781851829088 | P | 189 | 2005 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Navarre Bible) | Navarre Bible, The : Catholic Letters | University of Navarre | Scepter | 1851829105 | 9781851829101 | P | 217 | 2005 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Navarre Bible) | Navarre Bible, The : Corinthians | University of Navarre | Scepter | 1851829067 | 9781851829064 | P | 215 | 2005 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Navarre Bible) | Navarre Bible, The : Hebrews | University of Navarre | Scepter | 1851829075 | 9781851829071 | P | 160 | 2005 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Navarre Bible) | Navarre Bible, The : Chronicles to Maccabees : 1 & 2 Chronicles - Ezra - Nehemiah - Tobit - Judith - Esther - 1 & 2 Maccabees | University of Navarre | Scepter | 1889334847 | 9781889334844 | H | 630 | 2006 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Navarre Bible) | Navarre Bible, The : Joshua to Kings : Joshua - Judges - Ruth - 1 & 2 Samuel - 1 & 2 Kings | University of Navarre | Scepter | 188933460X | 9781889334608 | H | 640 | 2004 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Navarre Bible) | Navarre Bible, The : Major Prophets : Isaiah - Jeremiah - Ezekiel - Daniel | University of Navarre | Scepter | 1594170231 | 9781594170232 | H | 896 | 2007 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Navarre Bible) | Navarre Bible, The : Minor Prophets : Hosea - Joel - Amos - Obadiah - Jonah - Micah - Nahum - Habakkuk - Zephaniah - Haggai - Zechariah - Malachi | University of Navarre | Scepter | 159417024X | 9781594170249 | H | 362 | 2005 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Navarre Bible) | Navarre Bible, The : Pentateuch : Genesis - Exodus - Leviticus - Numbers - Deuteronomy | University of Navarre | Scepter | 1889334219 | 9781889334219 | H | 820 | 2006 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Navarre Bible) | Navarre Bible, The : Revelation | University of Navarre | Scepter | 1851829113 | 9781851829118 | P | 153 | 2007 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Navarre Bible) | Navarre Bible, The : Romans and Galatians | University of Navarre | Scepter | 1851829059 | 9781851829057 | P | 195 | 2005 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Navarre Bible) | Navarre Bible, The : St John | University of Navarre | Scepter | 1851829032 | 9781851829033 | P | 229 | 2007 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Navarre Bible) | Navarre Bible, The : St Luke | University of Navarre | Scepter | 1851829024 | 9781851829026 | P | 237 | 2008 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Navarre Bible) | Navarre Bible, The : St Mark | University of Navarre | Scepter | 1851829016 | 9781851829019 | P | 175 | 2005 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Navarre Bible) | Navarre Bible, The : St Matthew | University of Navarre | Scepter | 1851829008 | 9781851829002 | P | 217 | 2007 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Navarre Bible) | Navarre Bible, The : The Psalms & the Song of Solomon | University of Navarre | Scepter | 1889334952 | 9781889334950 | H | 528 | 2005 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Navarre Bible) | Navarre Bible, The : Thessalonians and Pastoral Letters | University of Navarre | Scepter | 1851829091 | 9781851829095 | P | 159 | 2005 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Large Commentaries/Navarre Bible) | Navarre Bible, The : Wisdom Books : Job - Proverbs - Ecclesiastes - Wisdom - Sirach | University of Navarre | Scepter | 1594170142 | 9781594170140 | H | 560 | 2007 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament) | 20 Answers : The New Testament | Akin, Jimmy | Catholic Answers | 1683571312 | 9781683571315 | P | 77 | 2019 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament) | Books of the New Testament, The | Boxall, Ian | SCM Press | 0334040477 | 9780334040477 | P | 265 | 2007 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament) | Companion to Reading the New Testament | Graffy, Adrian | Catholic Truth Society | 1860821448 | 9781860821448 | P | 51 | 2002 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament) | How to Read the New Testament | Charpentier, Etienne - Bowden, John (translator) | Crossroad Publishing | 0824505417 | 9780824505417 | P | 128 | 1984 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament) | How to Read the New Testament : An Introduction to Linguistic and Historical-Critical Methodology | Egger, Wilhelm - Boers, Hendrikus (editor, introduction) - Heinegg, Peter (translator) | Hendrickson Publishers | 1565631498 | 9781565631496 | H | 232 | 1996 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament) | Ignatius Catholic Study Bible : The New Testament | Ignatius Press | Ignatius Press | 1586172506 | 9781586172503 | P | 711 | 2010 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament) | Interpreting the New Testament : A Practical Guide | Harrington, Daniel J. | Liturgical Press | 0814651240 | 9780814651247 | P | 149 | 1990 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament) | Introducing the New Testament | Wansbrough, Henry | Bloomsbury | 0567656683 | 9780567656681 | P | 406 | 2015 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament) | Introduction to the New Testament | Collins, Raymond F. - Meier, John P. (introduction) | SCM Press | 0334021057 | 9780334021056 | P | 449 | 1996 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament) | Introduction to the New Testament for Catholics, An | Kelly, Joseph Francis | Liturgical Press | 0814652166 | 9780814652169 | P | 276 | 2006 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament) | Introduction to the New Testament, An | Brown, Raymond E. | Doubleday | 0385247672 | 9780385247672 | H | 878 | 1997 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament) | Myths and Mistakes in New Testament Textual Criticism | Hixson, Elijah (editor) - Gurry, Peter J. (editor) - Wallace, Daniel B. (foreword) | InterVarsity Press | 0830852573 | 9780830852574 | P | 372 | 2020 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament) | New Testament Basics for Catholics | Bergsma, John S. | Ave Maria Press | 1594715823 | 9781594715822 | P | 300 | 2015 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament) | New Testament Interpretation | Boxall, Ian | SCM Press | 0334040485 | 9780334040484 | P | 217 | 2007 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament) | Reading the New Testament in the Church : A Primer for Pastors, Religious Educators, and Believers | Moloney, Francis J. | Baker Academic | 0801049806 | 9780801049804 | P | 226 | 2015 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament) | Record of the Fulfillment : The New Testament (Key to the Bible 3) | Harrington, Wilfrid J. | ALBA House | NO | NO | P | 206 | 1975 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament) | Redating the New Testament | Robinson, John A. T. | SCM Press | 0334023009 | 9780334023005 | P | 369 | 1977 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament) | Short History of New Testament Studies, A | Viviano, Benedict Thomas | New Priory Press | 1623110459 | 9781623110451 | P | 175 | 2016 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament) | Walk Through the New Testament, A : An Introduction for Catholics | Ralph, Margaret Nutting | Paulist Press | 0809145820 | 9780809145829 | P | 336 | 2009 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament) | Witnesses to the Word : New Testament Studies Since Vatican II | Harrington, Daniel J. | Paulist Press | 080914820X | 9780809148202 | P | 122 | 2012 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament) | Writings of the New Testament, The : An Interpretation | Johnson, Luke Timothy | Fortress Press | 0800618866 | 9780800618865 | P | 618 | 1986 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Epistles) | Catholic Epistles, Hebrews, and Revelation, The : Introducing the New Testament | Scholz, Daniel J. - Kelhoffer, James A. (editor) | Anselm Academic | 1599827093 | 9781599827094 | P | 236 | 2016 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Epistles) | Epistle to the Hebrews, The : And the Seven Core Beliefs of Catholics | Kapler, Shane - Howell, Kenneth J. (foreword) - Zimmerer, Jared (preface) | Angelico Press | 1621381668 | 9781621381662 | P | 154 | 2016 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Gospels) | Clueless in Galilee : A Fresh Take on the Gospels | Barron, Mac | Our Sunday Visitor | 1681922347 | 9781681922348 | P | 111 | 2018 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Gospels) | Gospel of Jesus, The : The Pastoral Relevance of the Synoptic Problem | Farmer, William R. | Westminster John Knox Press | 0664255140 | 9780664255145 | P | 240 | 1994 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Gospels) | Gospels Simply Explained, The | Winkler, Jude | Catholic Book Publishing | 0899427146 | 9780899427140 | P | 208 | 2008 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Gospels) | History of the Synoptic Problem, A : The Canon, the Text, the Composition, and the Interpretation of the Gospels | Dungan, David Laird | Doubleday | 0385471920 | 9780385471923 | H | 526 | 1999 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Gospels) | Infinite Tenderness of God, The : Meditations on the Gospels | Bergoglio, Jorge Mario - Kun, Jeanne (compiler) | Word Among Us | 1593252870 | 9781593252878 | P | 175 | 2016 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Gospels) | On the Independence of Matthew and Mark | Rist, John M. | Cambridge University Press | 0521214769 | 9780521214766 | H | 132 | 1978 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Gospels) | Redating Matthew, Mark and Luke : A Fresh Assault on the Synoptic Problem | Wenham, John William | Hodder and Stoughton | 0340546190 | 9780340546192 | P | 319 | 1991 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Gospels) | Rescued : The Unexpected and Extraordinary News of the Gospel | Riccardo, John - Hahn, Scott (foreword) | Word Among Us | 1593253818 | 9781593253813 | P | 184 | 2020 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Gospels) | Trustworthy and True : The Gospels Beyond 2000 | Graffy, Adrian | Columba Press | 1856073327 | 9781856073325 | P | 258 | 2001 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Gospels) | Understanding the Gospels | Balaguer, Vicente (editor) - Browne, Bernard (translator) | Scepter | 1594170711 | 9781594170713 | P | 196 | 2009 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Gospels) | What Are the Gospels ? : A Comparison with Graeco-Roman Biography | Burridge, Richard A. - Stanton, Graham (foreword) | William B. Eerdmans | 0802809715 | 9780802809711 | P | 366 | 2004 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/John) | Bringing the Gospel of John to Life : Insight and Inspiration | Martin, George | Our Sunday Visitor | 1612789927 | 9781612789927 | P | 605 | 2016 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/John) | Gospel and Epistles of John, The : A Concise Commentary | Brown, Raymond E. | St Pauls | 9715047351 | 9789715047357 | P | 128 | 2013 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/John) | John : Interpreted by Early Christian and Medieval Commentators | Stewart, Bryan A. (editor, translator) - Thomas, Michael A. (editor, translator) - Wilken, Robert Louis (preface) | William B. Eerdmans | 080282580X | 9780802825803 | H | 652 | 2018 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/John) | John 1 : The Word Becomes Flesh : Meditations on John 1-5 | Speyr, Adrienne von - Wiedenhover, Lucia (translator) - Dru, Alexander (translator) | Ignatius Press | 0898704111 | 9780898704112 | H | 322 | 1994 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/John) | John 2 : The Discourses of Controversy : Meditations on John 6-12 | Speyr, Adrienne von - McNeil, Brian (translator) - Balthasar, Hans Urs von (foreword) | Ignatius Press | 089870412X | 9780898704129 | H | 444 | 1993 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/John) | John 3 : The Farewell Discourses : Meditations on John 13-17 | Speyr, Adrienne von - Nelson, E. A. (translator) - Balthasar, Hans Urs von (foreword) | Ignatius Press | 0898701112 | 9780898701111 | H | 377 | 1987 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/John) | John 4 : The Birth of the Church : Meditations on John 18-21 | Speyr, Adrienne von - Kipp, David (translator) | Ignatius Press | 0898703689 | 9780898703689 | H | 443 | 1991 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/John) | Probes : Deep Sea Diving Into Saint John's Gospel : Questions for Individual or Group Study | Kreeft, Peter J. | Ignatius Press | 1621641562 | 9781621641568 | P | 287 | 2019 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/John) | St. John's Gospel : A Bible Study Guide and Commentary | Ray, Steve | Ignatius Press | 0898708214 | 9780898708219 | P | 461 | 2002 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/John) | Who Was John ? : The Fourth Gospel Debate After Pope Benedict XVI's Jesus of Nazareth | Redford, John - Dulles, Avery Robert (commendation) | St Pauls UK | 0854397469 | 9780854397464 | P | 319 | 2008 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/John) | Why John Is Different : Unique Insights in the Gospel and Writings of St. John | Chapa, Juan | Scepter | 1594171734 | 9781594171734 | P | 261 | 2014 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/John) | Word, The : A Meditation on the Prologue to Saint John's Gospel | Speyr, Adrienne von - Dru, Alexander (translator) | Ignatius Press | 1621642720 | 9781621642725 | P | 159 | 2019 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | And the World Dwelt Among Us : Meeting the Living God in Scripture | Guardini, Romano | Sophia Institute Press | 0918477751 | 9780918477750 | P | 108 | 1998 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | Behold, God's Son ! : Encountering Christ in the Gospel of Mark | Schonborn, Christoph - Taylor, Henry (translator) | Ignatius Press | 1586171771 | 9781586171773 | P | 238 | 2007 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | Finding Jesus Through the Gospels : History and Hermeneutics | Latourelle, Rene - Owen, Aloysius (translator) | ALBA House | 0818903791 | 9780818903793 | P | 284 | 1979 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | Gospel Jesus, The | Waddell, Charles - Hickey, Barry J. (foreword) | St Pauls | 9710042440 | 9789710042449 | P | 102 | 2015 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | Gospel of Jesus Christ 1+2, The | Lagrange, Marie-Joseph - Ginns, Reginald (foreword) | Newman Press | NO | NO | H | 350 | 1954 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | Historical Jesus of the Gospels | Keener, Craig S. | William B. Eerdmans | 0802868886 | 9780802868886 | P | 831 | 2012 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | Jesus : A Gospel Portrait | Senior, Donald | Paulist Press | 0809133385 | 9780809133383 | P | 161 | 1992 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | Jesus : A Historical Portrait | Harrington, Daniel J. | St. Anthony Messenger Press | 0867168331 | 9780867168334 | P | 130 | 2007 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | Jesus : A Portrait | O'Collins, Gerald | Darton, Longman & Todd | 0232527199 | 9780232527193 | P | 246 | 2008 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | Jesus : The Way, the Truth, and the Life | D'Ambrosio, Marcellino | Ascension Press | 1950784185 | 9781950784189 | P | 272 | 2020 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | Jesus and His Message : An Introduction to the Good News | Mahon, Leo T. | ACTA Publications | 0879462116 | 9780879462116 | P | 110 | 2000 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | Jesus in the Gospels : Getting to Know Jesus as Presented by the Evangelists | Fink, John F. | ALBA House | 0818912316 | 9780818912313 | P | 205 | 2006 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | Jesus of Nazareth : From the Baptism in the Jordan to the Transfiguration | Ratzinger, Joseph - Walker, Adrian J. (translator) | Ignatius Press | 1586171984 | 9781586171988 | P | 389 | 2008 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | Jesus of Nazareth : The Infancy Narratives | Ratzinger, Joseph - Whitmore, Philip J. (translator) | Bloomsbury | 1408194538 | 9781408194539 | H | 132 | 2012 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | Jesus of Nazareth 2 : Holy Week : From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection | Ratzinger, Joseph - Whitmore, Philip J. (translator) | Ignatius Press | 1586175009 | 9781586175009 | H | 362 | 2011 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | Jesus, the Divine Physician : Encountering Christ in the Gospel of Luke | Schonborn, Christoph - Taylor, Henry (translator) | Ignatius Press | 1586171801 | 9781586171803 | P | 237 | 2008 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | Life of Christ | Sheen, Fulton J. - Muggeridge, John (foreword) | Doubleday | 0385132204 | 9780385132206 | P | 476 | 1990 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | Life of Christ 1, The : A Historical, Critical, and Apologetic Exposition | Fillion, Louis Claude - Thompson, Newton (translator) | Herder | NO | NO | H | 647 | 1940 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | Life of Christ 2, The : A Historical, Critical, and Apologetic Exposition | Fillion, Louis Claude - Thompson, Newton (translator) | Herder | NO | NO | H | 719 | 1941 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | Life of Christ 3, The : A Historical, Critical, and Apologetic Exposition | Fillion, Louis Claude - Thompson, Newton (translator) | Herder | NO | NO | H | 784 | 1939 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | Life of Christ, A | Ricciotti, Giuseppe - Zizzamia, Alba I. (translator) - Croft, Aloysius (editor) | Bruce Publishing | NO | NO | H | 402 | 1952 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | Life of Jesus | Fernandez-Carvajal, Francis - Hatfield, Michelle (translation) - Moreira, Andres, J. (translation) - Scott, Helena (translation) | Midwest Theological Forum | 1939231973 | 9781939231970 | H | 603 | 2020 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | Lord, The | Guardini, Romano - Ratzinger, Joseph (introduction) - Briefs, Elinor Castendyk (translator) | Regnery | 0895267144 | 9780895267146 | P | 629 | 2002 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | My Jesus : Encountering Christ in the Gospel | Schonborn, Christoph - Shea, Robert J. (translator) - Groeschel, Benedict J. (foreword) | Ignatius Press | 0898709873 | 9780898709872 | P | 225 | 2005 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Life of Christ) | To Know Christ Jesus | Sheed, Frank J. | Ignatius Press | 0898704197 | 9780898704198 | P | 397 | 1992 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Luke and Acts) | Bringing the Gospel of Luke to Life : Insight and Inspiration | Martin, George | Our Sunday Visitor | 1592760341 | 9781592760343 | P | 697 | 2011 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Luke and Acts) | Envoy of the Messiah : On Acts of the Apostles 16 - 28 | Pimentel, Stephen - Ray, Steve (foreword) | Emmaus Road Publishing | 1931018308 | 9781931018302 | P | 86 | 2005 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Luke and Acts) | Following Jesus : A Disciple's Guide to Luke and Acts | Kurz, William S. | St. Anthony Messenger Press | 1569553785 | 9781569553787 | P | 177 | 2003 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Luke and Acts) | Gospel of the Holy Spirit, The : Meditation and Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles | McBride, Alfred | Saint Benedict Press | 1618901699 | 9781618901699 | P | 203 | 2013 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Luke and Acts) | Mission of the Messiah : On the Gospel of Luke | Gray, Tim - Cavins, Jeff (foreword) | Emmaus Road Publishing | 0966322312 | 9780966322316 | P | 156 | 1998 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Luke and Acts) | Witnesses of the Messiah : On Acts of the Apostles, 1 - 15 | Pimentel, Stephen - Gray, Tim ( foreword) | Emmaus Road Publishing | 193101812X | 9781931018128 | P | 141 | 2002 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Mark) | Bringing the Gospel of Mark to Life : Insight and Inspiration | Martin, George | Word Among Us | 1593251211 | 9781593251215 | P | 477 | 2007 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Mark) | Lion's Roar, The : A Beginner's Bible Study on the Gospel of St. Mark | Hornecker, James - Wood, Steve (foreword) | Family Life Center Publications | 0965858251 | 9780965858250 | P | 141 | 2003 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Mark) | Mark : Meditations for a Community | Speyr, Adrienne von - Borras, Michelle K. (translator) - Balthasar, Hans Urs von (editor) | Ignatius Press | 1586177761 | 9781586177768 | P | 729 | 2012 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Mark) | Unfolding the Gospel of Mark 1 : A Narrative Catechesis | Fausti, Silvano | Paulines | 9966086366 | 9789966086365 | P | 271 | 2014 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Mark) | Unfolding the Gospel of Mark 2 : A Narrative Catechesis | Fausti, Silvano | Paulines | 9966088148 | 9789966088147 | P | 270 | 2014 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Matthew) | Behold the Christ : Proclaiming the Gospel of Matthew | Huizenga, Leroy A. | Emmaus Road Publishing | 1645850099 | 9781645850090 | H | 424 | 2019 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Matthew) | Bringing the Gospel of Matthew to Life : Insight and Inspiration | Martin, George | Word Among Us | 1439232873 | 9781439232873 | P | 688 | 2008 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Matthew) | Catholic Apologetics Study Bible, The : The Gospel According to St. Matthew | Sungenis, Robert A. | Queenship Publishing | 1579182364 | 9781579182366 | H | 427 | 2003 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Matthew) | Companion God : A Cross-Cultural Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew | Montague, George T. | Paulist Press | 0809145014 | 9780809145010 | P | 364 | 2010 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Matthew) | Fire of Mercy, Heart of the Word 1 : Meditations on the Gospel According to Saint Matthew | Leiva-Merikakis, Erasmo - Bouyer, Louis (foreword) | Ignatius Press | 0898705584 | 9780898705584 | P | 746 | 1996 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Matthew) | Fire of Mercy, Heart of the Word 2 : Meditations on the Gospel According to Saint Matthew | Leiva-Merikakis, Erasmo - Montaldo, Jonathan (foreword) - Claussen, Martin (foreword) | Ignatius Press | 0898709768 | 9780898709766 | P | 668 | 2003 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Matthew) | Fire of Mercy, Heart of the Word 3 : Meditations on the Gospel According to Saint Matthew | Leiva-Merikakis, Erasmo | Ignatius Press | 1586176986 | 9781586176983 | P | 870 | 2012 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Matthew) | Letters to Jesus (Answered) | Kreeft, Peter J. | Ignatius Press | 089870233X | 9780898702330 | P | 284 | 1989 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Matthew) | Matthew : Interpreted by Early Christian Commentators | Williams, Daniel H. (editor, translation) - Wilken, Robert Louis (preface) | William B. Eerdmans | 0802825788 | 9780802825780 | H | 570 | 2018 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Matthew) | Mystery of the Kingdom : On the Gospel of Matthew | Sri, Edward - Hahn, Scott (foreword) | Emmaus Road Publishing | 0966322355 | 9780966322354 | P | 160 | 1999 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Paul) | 1 Corinthians : Interpreted by Early Christian Commentators | Kovacs, Judith L. (editor, translator) - Wilken, Robert Louis (editor) | William B. Eerdmans | 080282577X | 9780802825773 | H | 340 | 2005 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Paul) | 101 Questions and Answers on Paul | Witherup, Ronald D. | Paulist Press | 0809141809 | 9780809141807 | P | 220 | 2003 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Paul) | Catholic Perspective on Paul, The : Paul and the Origins of Catholic Christianity | Marshall, Taylor | Saint John Press | 0578050161 | 9780578050164 | P | 249 | 2010 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Paul) | Gospel According to St. Paul, The : Meditations on His Life and Letters | Martini, Carlo Maria - Brovelli, Franco (preface) - Daigle-Williamson, Marsha (translator) - Binz, Stephen J. (foreword) | Word Among Us | 1593251459 | 9781593251451 | P | 127 | 2008 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Paul) | Letter to the Colossians, The | Speyr, Adrienne von - Miller, Michael J. (translator) | Ignatius Press | 0898706610 | 9780898706611 | P | 172 | 1998 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Paul) | Letter to the Ephesians, The | Speyr, Adrienne von - Balthasar, Hans Urs von (preface) - Walker, Adrian (translator) | Ignatius Press | 0898705703 | 9780898705706 | P | 269 | 1996 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Paul) | Meeting St. Paul Today : Understanding the Man, His Mission, and His Message | Harrington, Daniel J. | Loyola Press | 0829427341 | 9780829427349 | P | 148 | 2008 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Paul) | Paul : Windows on His Thought and His World | Pascuzzi, Maria | Anselm Academic | 1599822148 | 9781599822143 | P | 302 | 2014 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Paul) | Pocket Guide to St. Paul, A | Hahn, Scott | Our Sunday Visitor | 1592765637 | 9781592765638 | P | 94 | 2008 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Paul) | Saint Paul | Ratzinger, Joseph | Ignatius Press | 1586173677 | 9781586173678 | H | 131 | 2009 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Paul) | Thought of St. Paul, The : A Commentary on the Pauline Epistles | Most, William G. | Christendom Press | 0931888565 | 9780931888564 | P | 301 | 1994 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Paul/Romans) | Galatians and Romans | Byrne, Brendan J. | Liturgical Press | 0814633242 | 9780814633243 | P | 189 | 2010 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Paul/Romans) | Life in Christ : A Spiritual Commentary on the Letter to the Romans | Cantalamessa, Raniero - Villa, Frances Lonergan (translator) | Liturgical Press | 0814627994 | 9780814627990 | P | 221 | 1997 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Paul/Romans) | Romans : A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary | Fitzmyer, Joseph A. | Doubleday | 0385233175 | 9780385233170 | H | 793 | 1993 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Paul/Romans) | Romans : Interpreted by Early Christian Commentators | Burns, J. Patout (editor, translator) - Newman, Constantine (editor, translator) - Wilken, Robert Louis (editor) | William B. Eerdmans | 0802825753 | 9780802825759 | P | 428 | 2012 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Paul/Romans) | Victory of Love, The : A Meditation on Romans 8 | Speyr, Adrienne von - Balthasar, Hans Urs von (foreword) - Wiedenhover, Lucia (translator) | Ignatius Press | 0898703042 | 9780898703047 | P | 109 | 1990 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Paul/Romans) | Written for Our Instruction : Theological and Spiritual Riches in Romans | Stegman, Thomas D. | Paulist Press | 0809149370 | 9780809149377 | P | 114 | 2017 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Spirituality) | 25 Life-Changing Questions from the Gospels : Letting Jesus Lead You Through the Stages of Spiritual Growth | Wright, Allan F. | Ave Maria Press | 1594716757 | 9781594716751 | P | 174 | 2016 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Spirituality) | Answering the Questions of Jesus | Apostoli, Andrew | EWTN Publishing | 1682780163 | 9781682780169 | P | 123 | 2016 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Spirituality) | Enchantment of the Parables, The | Cantley, Michael J. | ALBA House | 0818913193 | 9780818913198 | P | 296 | 2010 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Spirituality) | Fifteen Faces of God : A Quest to Know God Through the Parables of Jesus | Manning, Michael | Doubleday | 0385531613 | 9780385531610 | H | 190 | 2010 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Spirituality) | God Delights in You : An Introduction to Gospel Spirituality | Catoir, John T. | ALBA House | 0818905948 | 9780818905940 | P | 153 | 2003 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Spirituality) | God Who Questions, A | DeLorenzo, Leonard J. | Our Sunday Visitor | 168192367X | 9781681923673 | P | 143 | 2019 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Spirituality) | Good Galilean, The : Lessons in Living from the Son of Man Himself | Goodier, Alban | Sophia Institute Press | 1928832601 | 9781928832607 | P | 99 | 2009 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Spirituality) | Hints of Heaven : The Parables of Christ and What They Mean for You | Rutler, George William | Sophia Institute Press | 1622822323 | 9781622822324 | P | 151 | 2015 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Spirituality) | Images of Jesus : Ten Invitations to Intimacy | McBride, Alfred | St. Anthony Messenger Press | 0867161809 | 9780867161809 | P | 229 | 1993 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Spirituality) | Jesus Has a Question for You | Antall, Richard C. | Our Sunday Visitor | 0879739851 | 9780879739850 | P | 203 | 2002 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Spirituality) | Joy of Knowing Christ, The : Meditations on the Gospels | Ratzinger, Joseph | Word Among Us | 1593251513 | 9781593251512 | P | 143 | 2009 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Spirituality) | Meeting Jesus in the Gospels | Martin, George | St. Anthony Messenger Press | 0867169001 | 9780867169003 | P | 149 | 2009 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Spirituality) | Open to the Holy Spirit : Living the Gospel with Wisdom and Power | Wuerl, Donald W. | Our Sunday Visitor | 1612787355 | 9781612787350 | P | 128 | 2014 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Spirituality) | Parable of the Good Samaritan, The | Jaki, Stanley L. | Real View Books | 1892539047 | 9781892539045 | P | 32 | 2008 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Spirituality) | Parables of Jesus, The | McBride, Denis | Redemptorist Publications | 0852311923 | 9780852311929 | P | 195 | 2017 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Spirituality) | Prodigal Father, The | Scarano, Angelo | Liturgical Press | 0814649246 | 9780814649244 | P | 75 | 2015 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Spirituality) | Secrets from Heaven : Hidden Treasures of Faith in the Parables and Conversations of Jesus | Walshe, Sebastian | Catholic Answers | 1683571681 | 9781683571681 | P | 187 | 2020 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Spirituality) | Simon, Called Peter : In the Footsteps of a Man Following God | Lepori, Mauro Giuseppe - Scola, Angelo (foreword) - Sherry, Matthew (translation) | Ignatius Press | 1586172719 | 9781586172718 | P | 133 | 2010 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Spirituality) | Spiritual Journey of Saint Paul, The | Cerfaux, Lucien - Guinness, John C. (translation) | Sheed & Ward | NO | NO | H | 236 | 1968 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (New Testament/Spirituality) | Zealous : Following Jesus with Guidance from St. Paul | Hart, Mark - Cuddy, Christopher - Hahn, Scott (foreword) | Franciscan Media | 1616367962 | 9781616367961 | P | 180 | 2014 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament) | 20 Answers : The Old Testament | Akin, Jimmy | Catholic Answers | 1683571053 | 9781683571056 | P | 76 | 2018 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament) | Alive and Active : The Old Testament Beyond 2000 | Graffy, Adrian | Columba Press | 1856072533 | 9781856072533 | P | 192 | 1999 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament) | Basic Guide to the Old Testament, A | Ska, Jean-Louis - Tait, Michael (translator) | Paulist Press | 0809154048 | 9780809154043 | P | 139 | 2019 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament) | Catholic Introduction to the Bible, A : The Old Testament | Bergsma, John S. - Pitre, Brant | Ignatius Press | 1586177222 | 9781586177225 | H | 1060 | 2018 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament) | Companion to Reading the Old Testament | Graffy, Adrian | Catholic Truth Society | 1860820875 | 9781860820878 | P | 51 | 2000 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament) | Consuming Fire : A Christian Guide to the Old Testament | Duggan, Michael W. | Our Sunday Visitor | 1592765971 | 9781592765973 | P | 686 | 2010 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament) | History of Salvation : Introducing the Old Testament | Power, John | Gill & Macmillan | 0717117197 | 9780717117192 | P | 201 | 1989 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament) | How to Read the Old Testament | Charpentier, Etienne - Bowden, John (translator) | Crossroad Publishing | 0824505409 | 9780824505400 | P | 124 | 2009 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament) | Interpreting the Old Testament : A Practical Guide | Harrington, Daniel J. - Stuhlmueller, Carroll (preface) - McNamara, Martin (preface) | Michael Glazier | 0894532359 | 9780894532351 | H | 160 | 1981 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament) | Introducing the Old Testament : An Overview of Its Contents and its Message | Fink, John F. | ALBA House | 0818913827 | 9780818913822 | P | 124 | 2015 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament) | Invitation to the Apocrypha | Harrington, Daniel J. | William B. Eerdmans | 0802846335 | 9780802846334 | P | 222 | 1999 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament) | Reading the Old Testament : An Introduction | Boadt, Lawrence - Clifford, Richard J. (revision) - Harrington, Daniel J. (revision) | Paulist Press | 0809147807 | 9780809147809 | P | 510 | 2012 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament) | Record of the Promise : The Old Testament (Key to the Bible 2) | Harrington, Wilfrid J. | ALBA House | NO | NO | P | 189 | 1974 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament) | Stories of the Old Testament, The : A Catholic's Guide | Campbell, James P. | Loyola Press | 0829424709 | 9780829424706 | P | 329 | 2007 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Historical Books) | Kingdom of God as Liturgical Empire, The : A Theological Commentary on 1-2 Chronicles | Hahn, Scott | Baker Publishing | 0801039479 | 9780801039478 | P | 225 | 2012 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Historical Books) | Maccabean Revolt, The : Anatomy of a Biblical Revolution | Harrington, Daniel J. | Wipf & Stock Publishers | 160899113X | 9781608991136 | P | 143 | 2009 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Historical Books) | Understanding the Historical Books of the Old Testament | Branick, Vincent P. | Paulist Press | 0809147289 | 9780809147281 | P | 275 | 2011 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Historical Books) | What Are They Saying About the Formation of Israel ? | McDermott, John J. | Paulist Press | 0809138387 | 9780809138388 | P | 113 | 1998 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Ignatius Study Bible) | Ignatius Catholic Study Bible : Daniel | Hahn, Scott - Mitch, Curtis - Walters, Dennis | Ignatius Press | 1586177931 | 9781586177935 | P | 52 | 2013 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Ignatius Study Bible) | Ignatius Catholic Study Bible : Exodus | Hahn, Scott - Mitch, Curtis - Walters, Dennis | Ignatius Press | 1586176153 | 9781586176150 | P | 82 | 2012 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Ignatius Study Bible) | Ignatius Catholic Study Bible : Genesis | Hahn, Scott - Mitch, Curtis - Walters, Dennis | Ignatius Press | 1586174339 | 9781586174330 | P | 93 | 2010 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Ignatius Study Bible) | Ignatius Catholic Study Bible : Isaiah | Hahn, Scott - Mitch, Curtis - Giszczak, Mark (contributor) - Walters, Dennis (study questions) | Ignatius Press | 1621641074 | 9781621641070 | P | 126 | 2019 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Ignatius Study Bible) | Ignatius Catholic Study Bible : Judges and Ruth | Hahn, Scott - Mitch, Curtis - Barber, Michael - Walters, Dennis | Ignatius Press | 1586179128 | 9781586179120 | P | 69 | 2015 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Ignatius Study Bible) | Ignatius Catholic Study Bible : Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon | Hahn, Scott - Mitch, Curtis - Walters, Dennis | Ignatius Press | 1586177753 | 9781586177751 | P | 105 | 2012 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Ignatius Study Bible) | Ignatius Catholic Study Bible : The Book of Job | Hahn, Scott - Mitch, Curtis - Walters, Dennis | Ignatius Press | 1586178342 | 9781586178345 | P | 65 | 2014 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Ignatius Study Bible) | Ignatius Catholic Study Bible : The Book of Joshua | Hahn, Scott - Mitch, Curtis - Barber, Michael (contributor) - Walters, Dennis | Ignatius Press | 1586179101 | 9781586179106 | P | 57 | 2017 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Ignatius Study Bible) | Ignatius Catholic Study Bible : The First and Second Book of Samuel | Hahn, Scott - Mitch, Curtis - Barber, Michael (contributor) - Walters, Dennis | Ignatius Press | 1586179136 | 9781586179137 | P | 113 | 2016 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Ignatius Study Bible) | Ignatius Catholic Study Bible : The First and Second Book of the Kings | Hahn, Scott - Mitch, Curtis - Giszczak, Mark (contributor) - Walters, Dennis | Ignatius Press | 1621640299 | 9781621640295 | P | 120 | 2017 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Ignatius Study Bible) | Ignatius Catholic Study Bible : Tobit, Judith, and Esther | Hahn, Scott - Mitch, Curtis - Villeneuve, Andre (contributor) - Walters, Dennis (study questions) | Ignatius Press | 1621641856 | 9781621641858 | P | 96 | 2019 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Ignatius Study Bible) | Ignatius Catholic Study Bible : Wisdom and Sirach | Mitch, Curtis - Hahn, Scott - Villeneuve, Andre - Griszczak, Mark - Walters, Dennis | Ignatius Press | 1621641848 | 9781621641841 | P | 159 | 2020 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Pentateuch) | 101 Questions & Answers on the Biblical Torah : Reflections on the Pentateuch | Murphy, Roland Edmund | Paulist Press | 080914252X | 9780809142521 | P | 126 | 1996 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Pentateuch) | Introduction to Reading the Pentateuch | Ska, Jean-Louis - Dominique, Pascale (translator) | Eisenbrauns | 1575061228 | 9781575061221 | P | 285 | 2006 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Pentateuch) | Pentateuch, The | Guinan, Michael D. - Osiek, Carolyn (editor) | Wipf & Stock Publishers | 1592443079 | 9781592443079 | P | 138 | 2003 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Pentateuch) | Pentateuch, The : An Introduction to the First Five Books of the Bible | Blenkinsopp, Joseph | Yale University Press | 0300140215 | 9780300140217 | P | 273 | 1992 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Pentateuch/Genesis) | 'Elohim Created' : A New Look at the First Creation Narrative | Bulzacchelli, Richard H. - Aquilina, Mike (foreword) | Aggiornamento Project | 0615745644 | 9780615745640 | P | 132 | 2012 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Pentateuch/Genesis) | Creator's Sabbath Rest, The : A Clue to Genesis 1 | Jaki, Stanley L. | Real View Books | 1892548C54 | P | 32 | 1999 | N | |||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Pentateuch/Genesis) | Garden of Eden, The : Why ? Where ? When ? How Long ? | Jaki, Stanley L. | Real View Books | 1892539106 | P | 32 | N | ||||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Pentateuch/Genesis) | Genesis (Berit Olam) | Cotter, David W. | Liturgical Press | 0814650406 | 9780814650400 | H | 366 | 2003 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Pentateuch/Genesis) | Genesis 1 : God and His Creation | Somers, Gayle - Christmyer, Sarah | Emmaus Road Publishing | 1931018227 | 9781931018227 | P | 140 | 2004 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Pentateuch/Genesis) | Genesis 2 : God and His Family | Somers, Gayle - Christmyer, Sarah | Emmaus Road Publishing | 1931018332 | 9781931018333 | P | 171 | 2005 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Pentateuch/Genesis) | Original Unity of Man and Women : Catechesis on the Book of Genesis | Wojtyla, Karol - Wuerl, Donald W. (preface) | Pauline Books & Media | 0819854050 | 9780819854056 | H | 184 | 1981 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Prophets) | Elijah | Speyr, Adrienne von - McNeil, Brian (translator) | Ignatius Press | 0898702704 | 9780898702705 | P | 123 | 1990 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Prophets) | Hear, O Heavens and Listen, O Earth : An Introduction to the Prophets | Cook, Joan E. | Liturgical Press | 081465181X | 9780814651810 | P | 323 | 2006 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Prophets) | History of Prophecy in Israel, A | Blenkinsopp, Joseph | Westminster John Knox Press | 0664256392 | 9780664256395 | P | 291 | 1996 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Prophets) | Introduction to the Prophets : Their Stories, Sayings, and Scrolls | Leclerc, Thomas L. | Paulist Press | 0809144921 | 9780809144921 | P | 402 | 2007 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Prophets) | Introduction to the Prophets of Israel, An | Murphy, Richard Thomas Aquinas | Pauline Books & Media | 0819836729 | 9780819836724 | P | 123 | 1995 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Prophets) | Isaiah : Interpreted by Early Christian and Medieval Commentators | Wilken, Robert Louis (editor, translator) - Christman, Angela Russell (editor, translator) - Hollerich, Michael J. (editor, translator) | William B. Eerdmans | 0802825818 | 9780802825810 | H | 590 | 2007 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Prophets) | Meet the Prophets : A Beginner's Guide to the Books of the Biblical Prophets | Miller, John W. | Paulist Press | 0809128993 | 9780809128990 | P | 250 | 1987 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Prophets) | Mission of the Prophets, The | Speyr, Adrienne von - Balthasar, Hans Urs von (foreword) - Kipp, David (translator) | Ignatius Press | 0898705932 | 9780898705935 | P | 125 | 1996 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Prophets) | Thus Sayeth the Lord : A Fresh Take on the Prophets | Davis, Julie | Our Sunday Visitor | 1681923904 | 9781681923901 | P | 167 | 2020 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Wisdom Books) | Book of Job, The : A Short Reading | Murphy, Roland Edmund | Paulist Press | 0809138891 | 9780809138890 | P | 137 | 1999 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Wisdom Books) | Cantata of Love, The : A Verse-by-Verse Reading of the Song of Songs | Arminjon, Blaise - Lubac, Henri de (preface) - Marans, Nelly (translator) | Ignatius Press | 0898701880 | 9780898701883 | P | 373 | 2005 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Wisdom Books) | Proverbs Explained, The : A Blueprint for Christian Living | Pacwa, Mitch | EWTN Publishing | 1682780260 | 9781682780268 | P | 143 | 2017 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Wisdom Books) | Responses to 101 Questions on the Psalms and Other Writings | Murphy, Roland Edmund | Paulist Press | 0809135264 | 9780809135264 | P | 128 | 1994 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Wisdom Books) | Tree of Life, The : An Exploration of Biblical Wisdom Literature | Murphy, Roland Edmund | Doubleday | 0385262442 | 9780385262446 | H | 194 | 1990 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Wisdom Books) | Wisdom Literature, The | Clifford, Richard J. - Tucker, Gene M. (foreword) - Cousar, Charles B. (foreword) | Abingdon Press | 0687008468 | 9780687008469 | P | 181 | 1998 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Wisdom Books/Psalms) | Berit Olam : Psalms | Schaefer, Konrad - Cotter, David W. (editor) | Liturgical Press | 0814664229 | 9780814664223 | P | 399 | 2001 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Wisdom Books/Psalms) | Exposition of the Seven Penitential Psalms | Fisher, John - Gardiner, Anne Barbeau (introduction) | Ignatius Press | 089870622X | 9780898706222 | P | 284 | 1998 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Wisdom Books/Psalms) | Gift of the Psalms, The | Murphy, Roland Edmund | Hendrickson Publishers | 1565634748 | 9781565634749 | P | 178 | 2000 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Wisdom Books/Psalms) | Introduction to the Psalms, An | Hunter, Alastair G. | Continuum | 0567030288 | 9780567030283 | P | 158 | 2011 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Wisdom Books/Psalms) | Joyful Noise, A : Praying the Psalms with the Early Church | Aquilina, Mike - Hahn, Scott (foreword) | Emmaus Road Publishing | 1947792296 | 9781947792296 | H | 219 | 2017 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Wisdom Books/Psalms) | Praying from the Depths of the Psalms | Hanson, John Henry - Kheriaty, Aaron (preface) | Scepter | 1594173435 | 9781594173431 | P | 166 | 2019 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Wisdom Books/Psalms) | Praying the Psalms : A Commentary | Jaki, Stanley L. | William B. Eerdmans | 0802847714 | 9780802847713 | P | 237 | 2001 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Wisdom Books/Psalms) | Praying the Psalms in Christ | Kriegshauser, Laurence | University of Notre Dame Press | 026803320X | 9780268033200 | P | 356 | 2012 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Wisdom Books/Psalms) | Praying the Psalms with the Early Christians : Ancient Songs for Modern Hearts | Aquilina, Mike - Bailey, Christopher | Word Among Us | 1593251556 | 9781593251550 | P | 211 | 2009 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Wisdom Books/Psalms) | Psalm Basics for Catholics : Seeing Salvation History in a New Way | Bergsma, John S. - Dombo, Brianna (illustrations) | Ave Maria Press | 1594717931 | 9781594717932 | P | 148 | 2018 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Wisdom Books/Psalms) | Psalms Through Three Thousand Years, The : Prayerbook of a Cloud of Witnesses | Holladay, William L. | Fortress Press | 0800630149 | 9780800630140 | P | 395 | 1996 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Wisdom Books/Psalms) | Psalms, The | Giussani, Luigi - Vouk, William (translator) | Crossroad Publishing | 0824521242 | 9780824521240 | P | 187 | 2004 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Wisdom Books/Psalms) | Psalms, The : An Introduction | Chiu, Jose Enrique Aguilar | Paulist Press | 0809148803 | 9780809148806 | P | 116 | 2014 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Wisdom Books/Psalms) | Sing a New Song : The Psalms in the Sunday Lectionary | Nowell, Irene | Liturgical Press | 0814620434 | 9780814620434 | P | 303 | 1993 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Wisdom Books/Psalms) | Singing in the Reign : The Psalms and the Liturgy of God's Kingdom | Barber, Michael Patrick - Hahn, Scott (introduction) | Emmaus Road Publishing | 1931018081 | 9781931018081 | P | 186 | 2001 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Wisdom Books/Psalms) | Spirituality of the Psalms, The | Stuhlmueller, Carroll - Dempsey, Carol J. (editor) - Lenchak, Timothy (editor) - Senior, Donald (foreword) | Liturgical Press | 0814625991 | 9780814625996 | P | 208 | 2002 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Wisdom Books/Psalms) | Themes of Psalms | Jaki, Stanley L. | Real View Books | 1892548453 | 9781892548450 | P | 95 | 2005 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Old Testament/Wisdom Books/Psalms) | Wisdom from the Psalms | Kreeft, Peter J. - Hahn, Scott (foreword) | Ignatius Press | 1621643441 | 9781621643449 | P | 243 | 2020 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reference Works) | Bible Digest : The Most Important Parts of Sacred Scripture Carefully Selected for Their Outstanding Historical, Religious, and Literary Value and Arranged for Easy Reading and Greater Understanding | Garofalo, Salvatore | Catholic Answers | NO | NO | H | 703 | 1981 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reference Works) | Catholic Bible Concordance, The : Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition | Lyons, C. W. - Deliduka, Thomas - Hahn, Scott (foreword) | Emmaus Road Publishing | 1931018499 | 9781931018494 | H | 2223 | 2009 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reference Works) | Catholic Bible Dictionary | Hahn, Scott (editor) | Doubleday | 0385512295 | 9780385512299 | H | 992 | 2009 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reference Works) | Catholic Biblical Encyclopedia : Old Testament + New Testament | Steinmueller, John E. - Sullivan, Kathryn - Miller, Athanasius (introduction) - Voste, James-M. (introduction) | Joseph F. Wagner | NO | NO | H | NA | 1956 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reference Works) | Catholic Study Bible, The | Senior, Donald (editor) - Collins, John J. (editor) - Getty, Mary Ann (editor) | Oxford University Press | 0190267232 | 9780190267230 | P | 1949 | 2016 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reference Works) | Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament | Beale, G. K. (editor) - Carson, D. A. (editor) | Baker Academic | 0801026938 | 9780801026935 | H | 1239 | 2007 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reference Works) | Dictionary of Biblical Imagery | Ryken, Leland (editor) - Wilhoit, James C. (editor) - Longman, Tremper (editor) | InterVarsity Press | 0830814515 | 9780830814510 | H | 1058 | 2012 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reference Works) | Dictionary of Biblical Theology | Leon-Dufour, Xavier (editor) - Cahill, Joseph (translator) - Stewart, E. M. (revision) | Word Among Us | 0932085091 | 9780932085092 | P | 712 | 1988 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reference Works) | Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels | Green, Joel B. (editor) - Brown, Jeannine K. (editor) - Perrin, Nicholas (editor) | InterVarsity Press | 0830824561 | 9781844748761 | H | 1088 | 2016 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reference Works) | Dictionary of Paul and His Letters | Hawthorne, Gerald F. (editor) - Martin, Ralph P. (editor) - Reid, Daniel G. (associate editor) | InterVarsity Press | 085110651X | 9780851106519 | H | 1038 | 2015 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reference Works) | Dictionary of the Bible | McKenzie, John L. | Simon & Schuster | 0684819139 | 9780684819136 | P | 954 | 1995 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reference Works) | Dictionary of the Later New Testament and Its Developments : A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship | Martin, Ralph P. (editor) - Davids, Peter H. (editor) | InterVarsity Press | 0830817794 | 9780830817795 | H | 1289 | 2005 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reference Works) | Dictionary of the New Testament | Leon-Dufour, Xavier - Prendergast, Terrence (translator) | Harper & Row | 0060621001 | 9780060621001 | H | 458 | 1980 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reference Works) | Gospel Parallels : A Comparison of the Synoptic Gospels | Throckmorton, Burton H. (editor) | Thomas Nelson | 0840774842 | 9780840774842 | H | 212 | 1992 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reference Works) | IVP Bible Background Commentary, The : New Testament | Keener, Craig S. | InterVarsity Press | 0830814051 | 9780830814053 | H | 831 | 2012 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reference Works) | IVP Bible Background Commentary, The : Old Testament | Walton, John H. - Matthews, Victor H. - Chavalas, Mark W. | InterVarsity Press | 0830814191 | 9780830814190 | H | 832 | 2012 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reference Works) | Multipurpose Tools for Bible Study | Danker, Frederick W. | Fortress Press | 0800635957 | 9780800635954 | P | 330 | 2003 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reference Works) | Oxford Handbook of Biblical Studies, The | Rogerson, J. W. (editor) - Lieu, Judith M. (editor) | Oxford University Press | 0199237778 | 9780199237777 | P | 896 | 2010 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reference Works) | Pauline Parallels : A Comprehensive Guide | Wilson, Walter T. | Westminster John Knox Press | 0664231209 | 9780664231200 | P | 469 | 2009 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reference Works) | Quick Reference Guide to the Catholic Bible, The | Getty-Sullivan, Mary Ann | Word Among Us | 1593252587 | 9781593252588 | P | 317 | 2014 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reference Works) | Scripture Source Book for Catholics, The | Klein, Peter | Harcourt Religion Publishers | 015901882X | 9780159018828 | P | 417 | 2008 | Y | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability) | How Firm a Foundation : A Handbook on the Historical Reliability of the New Testament and the Resurrection | Foster, Chad S. | Xulon Press | 1594676712 | 9781594676710 | P | 102 | 2004 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/Bible) | Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land | Negev, Avraham (editor) - Gibson, Shimon (editor) | Continuum | 0826463746 | 9780826463746 | P | 559 | 2001 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/Bible) | Archaeology of the Bible, The | Hoffmeier, James K. | Lion Publishing | 0745952267 | 9780745952260 | H | 192 | 2008 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/Bible) | Discoveries from Bible Times : Archaeological Treasures Throw Light on the Bible | Millard, Alan Ralph | Lion Publishing | 0745937403 | 9780745937403 | H | 352 | 1997 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/Bible) | God’s Library : The Archaeology of the Earliest Christian Manuscripts | Nongbri, Brent | Yale University Press | 0300248601 | 9780300248609 | P | 403 | 2018 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/Bible) | Holy Land, The : An Oxford Archaeological Guide | Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome | Oxford University Press | 0199236666 | 9780199236664 | P | 551 | 2008 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/Bible) | Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Archaeology, The | Pettegrew, David K. - Caraher, William Rodney - Davis, Thomas W. | Oxford University Press | 0199369046 | 9780199369041 | H | 707 | 2019 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/Bible) | Popular Handbook of Archaeology and the Bible, The : Discoveries that Confirm the Reliability of Scripture | Holden, Joseph M. - Geisler, Norman - Kaiser, Walter C. (foreword) | Harvest House Publishers | 0736944850 | 9780736944854 | H | 417 | 2013 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/Bible) | Stones Cry Out, The : What Archaeology Reveals About the Truth of the Bible | Price, Randall | Harvest House Publishers | 1565076400 | 9781565076402 | P | 437 | 1997 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/New Testament) | Archaeology and the New Testament | McRay, John | Baker Publishing | 0801036089 | 9780801036088 | P | 432 | 2008 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/New Testament) | Archeology of the New Testament : The Life of Jesus and the Beginning of the Early Church | Finegan, Jack | Princeton University Press | 0691020000 | 9780691020006 | P | 273 | 1978 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/New Testament) | Catacombs of St. Callixtus, The : History - Archaeology - Faith | Baruffa, Antonio - Purdy, William (translator) | L. E. V. | 8820919028 | 9788820919023 | P | 184 | 1992 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/New Testament) | Catacombs, The : Rediscovered Monuments of Early Christianity | Stevenson, James | Thames & Hudson | 0500020914 | 9780500020913 | H | 179 | 1978 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/New Testament) | Discoveries from the Time of Jesus | Millard, Alan Ralph | Lion Publishing | 0745912079 | 9780745912073 | H | 189 | 1990 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/New Testament) | Earliest Christian Artifacts, The : Manuscripts and Christian Origins | Hurtado, Larry W. | William B. Eerdmans | 0802828957 | 9780802828958 | P | 248 | 2006 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/New Testament) | Emmaus Mystery, The : Discovering Evidence for the Risen Christ | Thiede, Carsten Peter - d'Ancona, Matthew (introduction) | Continuum | 0826467970 | 9780826467973 | H | 205 | 2005 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/New Testament) | Eyewitness to Jesus : Amazing New Manuscript Evidence About the Origin of the Gospels | Thiede, Carsten Peter - d'Ancona, Matthew | Doubleday | 0385480512 | 9780385480512 | H | 206 | 1996 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/New Testament) | Jesus and Archaeology | Charlesworth, James H. (editor) | William B. Eerdmans | 080284880X | 9780802848802 | P | 740 | 2006 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/New Testament) | Jesus and His World : The Archaeological Evidence | Evans, Craig A. | SPCK Publishing | 0281060975 | 9780281060979 | P | 192 | 2012 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/New Testament) | Jesus Papyrus, The : The Most Sensational Evidence on the Origins of the Gospels Since the Discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls | Thiede, Carsten Peter - d'Ancona, Matthew (introduction) | Orion Books | 1857999584 | 9781857999587 | P | 258 | 1997 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/New Testament) | Paths of the Messiah and Sites of the Early Church from Galilee to Jerusalem : Jesus and Jewish Christianity in Light of Archaeological Discoveries | Pixner, Bargil - Riesner, Rainer (editor) - Myrick, Keith (translator) - Randall, Sam (translator) - Randall, Miriam (translator) | Ignatius Press | 0898708656 | 9780898708653 | P | 502 | 2010 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/New Testament) | Rekindling the Word : In Search of Gospel Truth | Thiede, Carsten Peter | Gracewing | 0852443358 | 9780852443354 | P | 204 | 1995 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/New Testament) | St. Peter's Bones : How the Relics of the First Pope Were Lost and Found... and Then Lost and Found Again | Craughwell, Thomas J. | Random House | 0307985091 | 9780307985095 | P | 126 | 2013 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/New Testament) | Subterranean Rome : In Search of the Roots of Christianity in the Catacombs of the Eternal City | Rutgers, Leonard Victor | Peeters Publishers | 9042908572 | 9789042908574 | P | 164 | 2000 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/Old Testament) | Ancient Israel in Sinai : The Evidence for the Authenticity of the Wilderness Tradition | Hoffmeier, James K. - Kitchen, Kenneth A. (foreword) | Oxford University Press | 0199731691 | 9780199731695 | P | 336 | 2011 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/Old Testament) | Archaeology and the Old Testament | Hoerth, Alfred J. | Baker Publishing | 0801011299 | 9780801011290 | H | 447 | 2006 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/Old Testament) | Guide to the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature, A | Fitzmyer, Joseph A. | William B. Eerdmans | 0802862411 | 9780802862419 | P | 302 | 2008 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/Old Testament) | Impact of the Dead Sea Scrolls, The | Fitzmyer, Joseph A. | Paulist Press | 0809146150 | 9780809146154 | P | 148 | 2009 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/Old Testament) | Israel in Egypt : The Evidence for the Authenticity of the Exodus Tradition | Hoffmeier, James K. | Oxford University Press | 019513088X | 9780195130881 | P | 244 | 1999 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/Old Testament) | On the Reliability of the Old Testament | Kitchen, Kenneth Anderson | William B. Eerdmans | 0802803962 | 9780802803962 | P | 662 | 2006 | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Bible (Reliability/Archaeology/Old Testament) | Responses to 101 Questions on the Dead Sea Scrolls | Fitzmyer, Joseph A. | Paulist Press | 0809133482 | 9780809133482 | P | 201 | 1992 | N | < |